MicroBiz allows you to bulk import items being received into a vendor shipment.


1) Spreadsheet must be formatted as a CSV file.

2) File shall contain three columns with the following header columns:

  • Product ID (SKU, Alternate SKU or UPC of the product record)
  • Quantity being received
  • Cost

3) Columns must be in the order above.

4) Product record with the ID referenced in the file must already be in your MicroBiz product catalog.  Quantities of items not already in MicroBiz cannot be imported via a vendor shipment and will be omitted from the import.

Steps to Import Products in a Vendor Shipment

A) Create a CSV file with the product ID, quantity received and cost of item being received

B) Confirm that all items on the spreadheet are already saved in MicroBiz as product records - and that all records have a default vendor of the vendor being received

C) Create new vendor shipment

D) Go to Action Panel>Items and press the Import Items button.

E) Select CSV file

F) After confirming mapping, import the products by clicking the 'Finalize' button