To change your stock level in MicroBiz.

Use Adjust Inventory

  1. Navigate to Inventory >> Inventory Adj's  and click on  New Adjustment.
  2. Select the order Store location where you wish to adjust the inventory. 
  3. Select Adjustment Reason to either increase or decrease stock
  4. Add items to the adjustment and set the quantity
  5. Change the Adjustment Status from Draft to Completed if you have completed adding items
  6. Save and Continue/Save and Exist.


Create a Vendor Shipment

If you have just received a shipment from a supplier this may be the easiest way to reflect the shipment in your stock levels

  1. Inventory >> Vendor Shipment and  click on "+Vendor Shipment"
  2. Select Vendor  (if your products have no supplier assigned you can create suppliers and set 'distributor' = yes - this allows you to do a supplier shipment for any product you have using that supplier).
  3. Select the Store order location where you wish to receive the shipment. 
  4. If you have a Purchase Order you can select the Purchase Order from entering PO Number.
  5. Add items to the shipment and set the quantity
  6. Save and Continue / Save and Exit.


Related Article: Transfer Stock between Stores