Collecting signatures on Charge to Credit Account Transactions is real simple, however there are a couple of considerations:

Required Settings

1.- First, the signature collection will be valid on registers with the Blockchyp integration only.

2.- Second, go to SETTINGS > ADVANCED SETTINGS > CREDIT ACCOUNT SETTINGS > and enable the 'Credit Account Charge Requires Signature' setting.


3. Third, make sure the payment method "Customer Credit Account" is enabled for that register.

Steps to Collect Signature

In order to collect signatures on charge to credit account transactions, please take the following steps: 

1.- Open your register

2.- Load the customer and your items

3.-Press the PAY button

4.- Click on Customer Credit Account tender button and enter the amount to be charged to the credit account.

5.- Assuming that the settings are configured properly, the BlockChyp terminal should prompt the customer for a signature. 

6.- After the customer enters a signature on the terminal, MicroBiz will collect the signature, save it to the transaction record and enable you to print a transaction receipt with the electronic signature on it