
a) Before you can create a FastBound disposition from MicroBiz:

  • Items on the order to be disposed must have ‘Is a Firearm’ flag set to yes or have a first level category of 'firearm' (see Things to do Before You Start section below).    
  • A serial number must be entered for the item being sold on the customer order.
  • Item must exist in FastBound with the serial number! (If you have not done an acquisition of this serial number yet in FastBound – you must do so before attempting to create a disposition for this item.)

b) You must sync a MicroBiz firearm to FastBound from a MicroBiz customer order.  You cannot sync a firearm sale transaction to FastBound from the MicroBiz front register screen.   

Step One: Start a customer order in MicroBiz with a firearm

If you want to start a FastBound disposition from MicroBiz for a firearm being sold, you must start the transaction as a customer order.  

After adding an item with a firearm, MicroBiz will display an alert at the top of the order that there is a regulated item on the order as well as the disposition status.

Step Two: Add serial number to firearm and Start Disposition

You will need to add a serial number for the firearm that has been previously entered in FastBound.  Once you have added a firearm, serial number and customer to an order, you are ready to initiate a disposition in FastBound.  You do not need to take a deposit or mark the order ready for fulfilment or complete.

To start the disposition, press the gold 'Record Disposition' button in the Action Panel>Order panel. 

Step Three: Confirm Customer to be synced

After initiating the disposition, MicroBiz will attempt to match the customer on the order to a contact in FastBound using the customer's email.  If a match is made, you can go ahead and create the disposition.

If no match is made, MicroBiz will offer two options.

  1. Link to existing FastBound contact - Selecting this option will open a search pop-up allowing you to search FastBound contacts by name to find a FastBound contact to link to the sale/disposition..
  2. Create new FastBound contact - Selecting this option will push the MicroBiz customer data on the order to FastBound to create a new FastBound contact.

Step Four: Choose whether to save disposition as Pending or Locked

Once you have pressed the 'Record Disposition' button, MicroBiz will create a pending disposition in FastBound.  

You will then be offered the option to lock the disposition so that you can start a 4473 in FastBound.  A 4473 can only be started in FastBound after the dispositon has been locked in FastBound.

You may want to save the status as pending (for example if this is an NFA item).  If you save as pending, you are able to either log back into MicroBiz to lock the disposition or log into FastBound and make any changes if necessary to the disposition record in FastBound.

Step Five: Starting the 4473

Once you have locked your disposition from the MicroBiz Customer Order using the ‘Lock Disposition’ button in the pop-up,  MicroBiz will display a QR Code and pin number in a second pop up.  If you are reopening an order with a pending disposition, you can lock the disposition and start a 4475 by using the Lock Dispostion button in the Action Menu >Items panel.


This QR code and pin number can be used in a couple ways:

  • Scan QR code with mobile phone or tablet - If you have a customer facing display – use the mouse to drag the pop up to that display. The customer can use use the camera function on their phone/tablet to capture the QR code.  This will open the FastBound 4473 login sceen on the phone/tablet.  The customer can then use the pin number to begin a 4473 for the serialize firearm being purchased.
  • Enter pin number into FastBound 4473 log in screen.  This will start on 4473 on the computer with the serial number of the firearm being sold.

What if your disposition does not require a 4473?

If your Disposition does not require a 4473 simply answer ‘No’ to the lock disposition question. 

What if you are selling a NFA item?

If you need to start the 4473 later – such as when selling an ‘NFA’ item -  answer ‘No’ to the initial prompt to lock the disposition.  Once you are ready to proceed, reopen the order, and the use the Action Menu > Item > Lock Disposition button to lock the disposition.  

Step Six - Complete 4473 and Complete the Customer Order

At this point, the customer will complete the 4473 using FastBound.  You can also go to FastBound and make whatever updates are required to verify that the customer's background check was approved and the disposition in FastBound is complete.

You can then go back to the customer order and take payment and mark order complete.

Things to check before you start

a) Make sure that you have set up a 'firearms' category in MicroBiz

There is an setting at Settings > General > Advanced Settings > Product that will assist in linking products with FastBound. Use this setting to add your product categories that contain regulated items – this will automatically set these items to require serial numbers and set the ‘Is a Firearm’ flag to yes. Once this flag is set the item will be able to be pushed to FastBound on an Acquisition or Disposition.

b) Do you need to Customer record in FastBound to include the customer's County of residence?

Since a County of residence is required for certain transactions in FastBound, such as multiple purchases, you may want to turn on the setting that will display the ‘county’ field in the MicroBiz customer record.  This is a checkbox in the FastBound integration wizard.   Or, you can go to Settings>General>Advanced Settings>Customers and turn on the 'Show County in Addresses' setting.

c) Do you want to pull your existing FastBound contacts into MicroBiz as customers?

If you have a number of customers entered in FastBound that do not exist in MicroBiz, you can import them as MicroBiz customers. Use the ‘Import FastBound Contact’ button on the Settings > Integrations > FastBound > Contact tab.

  • You can bulk import customers by multi selecting customers using the checkboxed to left, and the clicking on the 'Import into MicroBiz' button. This will push the customer from FastBound to MicroBiz as a MicroBiz customer.
  • If you are looking for a specific customer, you can search for a specific contacts in the list of FastBound contacts using the search bar at the top of the page.  You can click on the 'link' icon at the right to sync a specific FastBound contact to MicroBiz as a customer.

  • Once a MicroBiz customer is linked to a FastBound contact, a orange cloud/link icon will appear in the right hand columns.

d) What are you using in the SKU field?  

If the model number might be repeated across two product records (a variant with a different stock or barrel length or some other small difference) use the style field for the model number. There is no harm in also using it as the SKU. There is a setting to show SKU or style on various screens and grids and you can adjust this to suit your needs. 

At present the model number on an acquisition is filled in automatically from the style field.

e) Will you need to make changes to customer orders with linked dispositions

When you create a customer order *if* its likely the customer may add or remove items from the order you can still create a FastBound Disposition as ‘pending’ and you will be able to change the order in MicroBiz. Permitted actions that update the pending disposition:

  • delete lines

  • add lines

  • change price

  • change serial numbers

While the disposition is pending the link at the top of the MicroBiz Customer Order will let you jump to the FastBound Disposition. Once the disposition is locked the link is no longer valid.