MicroBiz now allows you to import Vendors Records into MicroBiz via a csv file.

Step One - Download Vendor Record Import Template

To Import Vendors into MicroBiz, download the Vendor Record Import Template csv file using the download button at the bottom of this article.  

Step Two - Copy/Paste Vendor Data into the Vendor Record Import Template 

Copy/paste information on your vendors into the CSV template.  

Important: Do not modify the template in any way, such as adding/deleting columns, changing the column headings, or changing the format from CSV. 

The following chart provides more information on the import fields:  

FieldRequired Y/NDefault ValuesAllowed ValuesMax LengthDescription
Vendor CodeY
ascii DEC 32-12625Vendor Code is your vendor's short name
Vendor NameNVendor Codeascii DEC 32-126
255Vendor's full name
Account noN
ascii DEC 32-126

Vendor's account number
Main Contact NameN
ascii DEC 32-126
255Full name of a main contact of the vendor (first name, last name)
Contact RoleN
ascii DEC 32-126
50The role of the contact in the vendor's company
Contact NoteN
ascii DEC 32-126
16mbnotes about the contact
ascii DEC 32-126
255Vendor's Address 1
ascii DEC 32-126
255Vendor's Address 2
ascii DEC 32-126
50Vendor's city
50Vendor's state
[0-9][A-z]<space>25Vendor's zip code
CountryNCompany's country[A-z]5Vendor's country
[0-9]+25Mobile phone fields use E.164 formatting so all numbers begin with "+" and the country dialing code - for US, Canada, Puerto Rico numbers this is +1. Area code is also required. US numbers have to have 11 digits starting with the 1

ascii DEC 32-126
25Vendor's phone number
ascii DEC 32-126
25Vendor's fax number
ascii DEC 32-126
150Vendor's email address (should be in format of [email protected])
ascii DEC 32-126

255Vendor's website
Minimum OrderN0.00decimal.##50Vendor's minimum order quantity
If the vendor should be treated as a distributor. if set yes, then in orders every product can be added under this vendor selected
PO Delivery MethodNprint{print,email,direct upload}
set which method is sued to send PO to the vendor
Vendor status
Payment TermsN
ascii DEC 32-126

Vendor Payment terms(Net 15, Net 30, etc.)
Customer Drop ShipNno
If Vendor sends order directly to customer or no(feature will be available in the future)
Vendor NoteN
ascii DEC 32-126
16mbGeneral note about vendor
Expected BasisNafter_start_ship{after_start_ship, before_cancel}
What is the basis of the order expected date, after the start ship date or before the cancel date
Expected DaysN15[0-9]
In how many days order from this vendor is usually expected