Tipping with MicroBiz Cloud and BlockChyp is very simple to set up.  There is no option or setting that must to be enabled in MicroBiz Cloud.  However there are a few steps involving BlockChyp that must to followed in order to set up tipping:

1.- First, go to the BlockChyp dashboard https://dashboard.blockchyp.com/login and log in using your username and password.  Your dashboard should look like this:

3.- At the top-right corner, click on Settings | Merchant Profile

4.- You will see some tabs running across the top of the page. Click on the tab "Terminal Settings"

5.- Then enable the checkbox "Prompt for Tips"

6.- If you scroll down the page, you will see some options to customize the suggested tips amount.  You may leave the preset suggestions as is, or you may change the preset suggestions as needed.

7.- Then just press SUBMIT and that's it.  You are ready to start tipping with MicroBiz Cloud