The attached template can be used to import non-inventory products into MicroBiz Cloud v2.0.  

A non-inventory product is an item or service where inventory is not entered or managed.  This is generally used for services or fees. 

To import data into MicroBiz Cloud, download the attached CSV file, enter or cut/paste information from your current system into the spreadsheet and then import as a CSV into MicroBiz Cloud using the file import wizard (see Settings>Imports).  If you need additional help, review the article titles Importing Simple Products via CSV File.

Important: Do not modify the template in any way, such as adding/deleting columns, changing the column headings or changing the format from CSV.

The following chart provides more information on the import fields:  


FieldRequired?Default ValuesAllowed ValuesMax LengthNotes
Product NameY
ascii DEC 32-126225Product name used on receipts and invoices.
[0-9][A-z]50If 'Auto Number SKU' is yes this can be omitted numeric values recommended - length of 16 or less recommended - SKU values must be unique
ascii DEC 32-126100
Vendor Name
ascii DEC 32-1265050Should contain the vendor short code.
 If Vendor does not exist it will be added or the record rejected depending on settings
BrandNascii DEC 32-1265050 If Brand does not exist it will be added or the record rejected depending on settings
Main CategoryNascii DEC 32-1265050First level category.  If Category does not exist it will be added or the record rejected depending on settings
Sub CategoryNascii DEC 32-1265050Second level category. If Category does not exist it will be added or the record rejected depending on settings
Product ClassNascii DEC 32-1265050Third level category.  If Category does not exist it will be added or the record rejected depending on settings
Product SubClassNascii DEC 32-1265050Forth level category. If Category does not exist it will be added or the record rejected depending on settings
Prompt for PriceN

Replacement CostN0-99999999.99


If Prompt for Price is yes no price is required, otherwise price is required
Special PriceN0-99999999.99

Product Tax ClassNascii DEC 32-126150


Alternate SKUN[0-9],[A-z],'-'100

Product IDN[0-9],[A-z],'-','\','/'100

Item NumberN[0-9]50


Allow FractionsNYes/No

Allow DiscountsNYes/No

Allow Returns

Image PathNNopath and file name
allows jpeg, jpg, png files to be uploaded to product from images hosted on a server.

Common Errors

  • Incorrect Flags - when entering flags for fields such as 'Allow Fractions' and 'Allow Discounts' be sure to use 'Yes' and 'No' and not 'Y" and 'N'.