Each credit account must have an owner and an account id.
Credit Account can be used from navigating to an exact customer, Back office>> Customer>> Customers>> edit/new customer , then to the Credit Account Tab, as shown in the screenshot below.
- From the customer tab choose Account Type : Credit Account.
- Enter an account id – it must be unique for each customer account.
- If you wish to limit the account check the Limit Credit To checkbox and enter the maximum account balance amount the customer is allowed.
- Set the payment terms.
Note* If you need to create new payment terms go to settings tab, from item/inventory category >> payment terms.
Once you have modified, please do not forget to Save the changes.
Settings may affect this:
Settings tab>> General category, click on Advanced settings>> Credit Account Settings, as shown in the screenshot below:
Receiving Payments By Using Credit Accounts:
Once you have created Credit Account for a Customer or you have added an authorized user for the customer, you should be able to take payment for a transaction by using credit account.
- First step is to make a sale from front register, navigate to Front Register then add item/items to the sale.
- Second is to add a customer which owns a credit account or is an authorized user.(if the following icon is displayed next to the customer, this means they own credit account or they are an authorized user)
- Click on Pay button.
- Select Customer Credit option for payment method, then apply to the transaction.