Register Balance report details all the activity for the register and batch selected.
Also It can be used to reconcile payments and activity. to be able to use Register Balance Report, navigate to Reports>>from Register Section>>Select Register Balance.
Sections Register Activity and Payments and Offsets should balance. Which means, they should have the same totals.
Section Register Activity:
This section provides totals for the different kinds of activities at point of sale for the selected register batches.
- Net Sales
- Gift Card Sales
- Order Deposits
- Sales Tax Collected
- Paid In
- Paid Out
- Received on Account – payments made to customer credit accounts at this register
- Over/Short
- Total Activity - - sum of all fields in the activities section. Should match with the total payments section .
Payment Totals
This section provides totals for the different payment types for the selected register batches. Your list may vary based on which payment types are selected in your register settings.
- Cash – net cash used as payments, paid in/out and drawer over/short.
- Check – checks used as payments
- Payment Cards – this is actually several report fields – it will typically show several different fields like: Master Card, Visa, Amex and so forth depending on which cards you accept at your store.
- Gift Cards – Gift Cards used as payment on sales and deposits.
- Store Credits – Store Credits used as payment on sales and deposits.
- Deposits Applied – prior payments applied when finalizing an order into a sale. For example if a customer puts a deposit of $200 on a $500 order. When the order is ready and they pick it up in store, they pay the remaining $300 balance by check. In the register report you will see $500 sale, $300 check payment and $200 Deposit Applied.
- Total Payments – sum of all fields in the payments section. Should be the same as the sum all of activities section.
Section Payments & Offsets
This section summarizes all the customer liability activity at the register.
- Gift Cards Purchased – total gift card purchases, includes adding value to existing gift cards in the selected batches. This activity increases the customer liability balance on your books.
- Gift Cards Redeemed – total gift cards used as payments in the selected batches. This activity reduces the customer liability balance on your books.
- Store Credits Issued – total refunds paid to customers using store credits in the selected batches. This activity increases the customer liability balance on your books.
- Store Credits Redeemed – total store credits used as payments in the selected batches. This activity reduces the customer liability balance on your books.
- Deposits Collected – Total deposits on orders collected in the selected batches. This activity increases the customer liability balance on your books.
- Deposits Applied – Total deposits applied on final sales of orders in the selected batches. This activity reduces the customer liability balance on your books.
- Deposits Refunded – Total deposits refunded in the selected batches. This activity reduces the customer liability balance on your books.
- Total Payments and Offsets – net total of all liability increases and reductions for all fields. This is the total net increase or decrease in your customer liabilities.
Section Sales by Tax Class
This section summarizes taxable sales, non-taxable sales (sales of non-taxable items) and exempt sales (sales of taxable items to tax exempt customers.
- Taxable Sales – Sales of taxable products to taxable customers.
- Non-Taxable Sales – sales of non-taxable products to all customers. In VAT countries these will be zero rate sales.
- Tax Exempt Sales – Sales of taxable products to tax exempt customers
- Total Net Sales – sum of all fields in tax classes section.
Section Sales by Cashier
This section summarizes taxable sales, non-taxable sales (sales of non-taxable items) and exempt sales (sales of taxable items to tax exempt customers.
- Cashier Display Names – Each cashier that entered sales for this batch is shown using the employee display name. The total for all the payments for each employee is shown. This includes sales, order deposits, gift card sales, sales tax collected and so forth. It includes paid in/.out done by the cashier but does not reflect over/short amounts form counts.
- Total Payments – this is the sum of all cashiers listed.
Section Tax Collected
This section summarizes all the sales tax collected in the selected batches.
· Tax Rates – one entry for each defined tax rate will be listed along with the total tax collected for that jurisdiction.
· Total Tax Collected – sum of all the fields in section
Section Sales by Category
This section summarizes all the sales by main category. It is divided between Inventory product sales and non-inventory product sales (services). Each main category is listed under it’s Inventory or Services sections.
· Inventory Sales Section
· Inventory Main Categories
· Inventory Sales Totals
· Non-Inventory Sales Section
When closing out the register there are no filters – the report is run for the current batch being closed which limits the store and register and dates.
When running the report from the Reports menu you can choose multiple stores and registers.
- Dates – Standard date selector with custom dates allowed – note the batch filter will only show batches whose activity is completely within the report begin/end dates.
- Stores – All or any subset of stores – note the batch filter will only show batches belonging to this store
- Register – All or any subset of registers- this filter is limited by selected stores – note the batch filter will only show batches belonging to this store
- Batches – limited to dates, stores, registers selected.