
Register Reports allow the user to select any number of registers from multiple store locations and report on the current open batches or any number of closed batches.

To be able to use Reports that display cash movements, navigate to Reports, under the Register section, you will have Several options from Register Balance, Register Deposits to Daily Snapshot.

Register Balance:

Register Balance Report enables you to choose more than register and Stores, and gives you the option to choose date ranges (Today, Yesterday, last week etc) you can also modify to a custom date range for the report, including all the batches from current open ones to all the closed batches there is.

DatesThe short date is today, yesterday function uses the clients date to determine these values. That's the date on your computer and browser. Each store has a time zone and if you have stores in more than 1 time zone or they are in a time zone different from you when you run your reports you may have to adjust your report dates to compensate.

Report Filters

  • Stores & Registers - User can select any combination of stores and registers to report on
  • Date Range- Short cut dates like today, yesterday, week to date and month to date display calendar dates for user. To change the dates use custom date short cut.
  • Selected Batches - The report will select all the register close outs that fall completely within the dates and registers selected. If you have a register batch that spans more than 1 day all days when the batch was active must be selected for the batch to appear on the list. The user may further specify which batches to report on.

After Running the Report, it will show the following result:

  • All Register activity: the following include total of Net Sales, Gift Card Sales, Order Deposits, Sales Tax Collected, Paid In, Paid Out, Register Opening Balance and Over/(Short) amount in the cash drawer.
  • Payments Totals: these will show all the payments that were made with several payment methods (Cash, Credit Card, Check, Back office, Gift Card and etc )
  • Sales by Tax: it will show the amounts from Taxable Sales, Non-taxable sales and Tax Exempt Sales.
  • Cashier Totals:
  • Payments and offsets: the following section should cover all Gift Cards purchased/ and redeemed, Store Credits issued/ and redeemed, Deposits that are collected,  applied and refunded.
  • Tax Collected:
  • Sales By Category 

Register Deposits:

Register Deposits will cover all the information related to Deposit Overview from Expected Cash, Over/ (short) Cash and further.

It will also display all types of deposits that you currently have in your system from Cash to Card etc...

Deposits Overview Section:

  • Check - Sum of all the check payments on sales, Gift Card Purchases and Work Order deposits.
  • Bank Deposits - Sum of Paid In, Paid Out, Net Cash and Checks.
  • Individual Credit Card Types - Sum of all the credit card payments on sales, Gift Card Purchases and Work Order deposits for each specific card type: Master Card, Visa and so forth.
  • Card Deposits - Total of all credit card payments.
  • Total Deposits -Sum of Gross Card Deposits and Bank Deposits.

Daily Snapshot:

Daily Snapshot Section Overview

  • Transactions- Total number of sales transactions or returns during the period selected.
  • Items - Net items sold this does not include gift cards or deposits received on work orders.
  • Avg Sale - Average monetary amount of all transaction on the report. Total net sales divided by number of sales and returns. This does not include gift cards or deposits received on work orders.
  • Items per Transaction - Average number of products sold on all transactions on the report. Total net items divided by the number of sales and returns.
  • Avg Markdown % - Average percent the all the sales and returns on the report are marked down.
  • Avg Markdown $ - Average monetary amount the sales and returns on the report are marked down. All the markdowns are summed and divided by the number of transactions.
  • Total Markdowns - Total of all the markdowns for the transactions on the report. A markdown is the difference between the stores regular price in the product record  and the amount charged the customer tax exclusive. So if the regular price is $100 and the customer is charged $80 the markdown would be $20.