When to Use Non-Inventory Products

If you have products or services for which you do not track inventory create a non-inventory product to sell them at the register add them to work orders or orders in progress.

Steps to Create a Non-Inventory Item

  • From Home screen >> Navigate to Catalog >> Products >> Click on "Add New" button.

  • Product Name (required) - Enter any name you like for the product.
  • Product Type (required) - In this case, please select Non-Inventory Product option
  • Retail Price (required) - Enter retail price of product


Other Fields Useful for Non-Inventory Products

  • Prompt for Price - If you sell variably priced services or miscellaneous parts or items you can use the prompt for price feature.   You will be able to enter a different price every time you add a prompt for price item to the transaction.

  • Sell in Fractional Quantities - You can allow the product to be sold in fractional quantities , useful for labor charges or items sold by weight while you are creating the product by going to the settings tab. 
  • Product Tax Class -  To designate whether non-inventory products are taxable or not.


Organizing Non-Inventory Items - Services Catagories

Service Categories and Subcategories - You can create a separate class of categories and sub-categories for non-inventory items.  You can also change the name of the default non-inventory category from 'Services' to anything that suits your business in Catalog >> Manage Categories.

You can create subcategories to the default 'Services' category such as Misc Parts, Labor Charges, Delivery & Shipping Fees, Classes, these will group sales under these categories in reports and allow you to group quick pick panel buttons under these categories as well.

To view what products are assigned to a Category or Sub-category, double click on the category node.  The items will appear on the right panel of the screen.

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