
How to Create New Vendors or Suppliers

MicroBiz uses the term 'vendors' to describe companies or people that sell you goods (inventory) at wholesale to sell in your stores.   Vendors can also be called 'Suppliers'.

To create new Vendor, go to Catalog>>Vendors and press the 'Add New' button at the top right.

This will open a new Vendor record.  The Vendor record is comprised of several tabbed pages as follows:

Key Vendor Record Fields

  • Vendor Short Code - Short description used in reports and other fields with a constrained character length.  For example, instead of North Face, the short code 'NFACE' is displayed on an order or reports.
  • Account Number - The account ID that the vendor provides. Used on PO and other documents.
  • Minimum Orders - Used if vendor has a minimum order size.  Displayed on Special Order pop-up.
  • Accounting ID - This is the vendor's ID in your accounting system (such as QuickBooks) it is used to post A/P bills when vendor shipment is received (used to link accounts if integration with QuickBooks accounting is active).
  • Default Payment Terms - Terms displayed on POs by default.  You can a default payment term to a vendor by selecting one of your current terms (such as Net 30) or you can create a new one by clicking on the 'Add New' button that is located on the Settings tab.  Displays on the Purchase Order screen.
  • Offers Customer Dropshipping  - Used for screens and functions that utilize dropshipping an item ordered directly from vendor to end customer. 
  • Submit Orders Via - Default setting for how purchase orders are generally submitted to vendor (such as print/email).  Displayed on the Purchase Order screen.
  • Vendor Expected Date - Used along with Start Ship or Cancel to estimate the arrival date of the shipment. This is displayed on Purchase Orders and used in inventory analysis to estimate shipment arrival and resulting inventory levels. 
  • Vendor is a Distributor - By default, when working on a Purchase Order or Vendor Shipment, the system only allows you to add items to a Purchase Order/Shipment where the default vendor on the items is the same as the selected vendor on the Purchase order or Vendor Shipment.  In other words, if you are working on a PO for Nike, you cannot add items where the default Vendor is Adidas.  But of the vendor record has the 'Vendor is Distributor' selected, then you can add any product to the vendor's purchase order or vendor shipment, regardless of who the default vendor is on the item selected.  If the 'Vendor is a Distributor' is selected, all items are shown in the purchase order and vendor shipment screens. 

Additional Info and Settings

  • Multiple Contacts - You can save any number of contacts on the vendor record - that way you can have separate addresses for billing, shipping and sales.
  • Vendor Notes - You can attach any number of notes to the supplier giving you a simple place to store any special instructions or promises with regard to your account or ordering process.
  • Payment Terms  - Terms can be created on the fly from within the Supplier Record if you need them.