Discount Items at the Front Register


  • Click on the checkbox to select all the items on the sale( to apply discounts on a Sale, its mandatory to change from setting>>Advanced Settings>>Register Settings>>Allow Discounts at Front Register to 'yes' ).
  • From the Action Menu >> Transaction Panel Click Discount Transaction.

  • Enter a %off, $off or New Price. The new price is the total package price for all lines selected.
  • Select the reason that you are Discounting the items and hit on the apply button.

**Note: when applying a Discount to a Sale, the system automatically will consider discount from the Subtotal amount, that means it doesn't count the Tax that is applied.

For example see the screens below:

this represents a Transaction before setting any Discount to it.

after setting up a Discount with a New price of 125$, as you can notice the tax is the 10% of the subtotal that means 10% of 125 equals to 12.50 which 20$ was Discounted from the transaction.

Settings That Affect This

  • Settings>>General>>Advanced Settings: Allow Discounts at front register (Yes/No) this feature is disabled if discounts are set to No. All sale prices will have to be defined using the promotions feature.

  • Allow discounts on items already on sale (promotional pricing) (Yes/No). Discounts will not be allowed on items already on a promotion.
  • Maximum Register Discount % (1-99) limits the discount the clerk can apply. This % off does not take into count any promotional pricing that may apply.
  • Default Discount Reason - defaults the selected 'reason for discount' in the discount pop up.
  • Catalog >> Products >> select a product >>Settings Tab >> 'Do Not Discount' option. This setting will prevent the item from being added to a promotion.

Other Ways of Doing This

You can also discount all the items in a particular transaction, by marking the checkbox that way all of the items on the transaction will be selected and then from the Action Menu>>Items panel >> click on Discount Item.