
  • Customer import can be used to import new customers or to update existing customer records
  • Tab or comma can be used to delimit your import file
  • Filename must end in CSV.
  • New customers will get assigned a MicroBiz ID but you can import as many additional IDs as you like. All customer Alternate IDs are available as import fields. And you can create as many alternate ID's as you like in Customers >> Manage Alternate IDs.
  • Large files can take time to import and the import task may take several minutes depending on the number of records that will be imported.

Basic Instructions - Import New Customers

  • From Settings Category >> Import >> Customer File imports

  • Select import Type - new create customer records, update only updates existing customer records
  • it is a requirement to use our template which you can find on the same screen, click on the "Download Customer CSV Template">> Download the template.
  • Copy/paste all the required data into the template file.
  • Click on the "Select File" tab>>Select the file.
  • Click on the "Import" button.

  • Once the import is finished you can check if the import was successful from the "Import History" tab.

See these articles:

Update customer import template

Initial customer import template