Receipt Set Up

MicroBiz allows you to create different printed receipt formats and customize each one for your requirements and tastes.  Here are some general customize your receipt

  • The format will expand and shrink if you are using a 2", 3" or 4" receipt. It will also expand to fill an 8.5 x 11 full sheet page on a laser printer.
  • Max Logo size is 200 x 50 pixels. Anything smaller or larger will be scaled. Best image quality is obtained with a 200x50 logo. png, jpg, gif and bmp are supported.

You can create multiple formats if you need to. Receipt format can be created and managed from the table accessed from Settings >> Company/Stores >> Receipt Templates.  To create a new Receipt format, just press the 'Add New' button at the top of the Register Receipt Templates management screen.

The Receipt Template is broken into multiple sections as shown below:

Section One: Store Information

  • Receipt Title - Title or label that is printed on the receipt
  • Show Logo - You have the ability to print the logo entered in the Company record on the receipt.  The logo will be adjusted to 200 x 50 pixels so 200 x 50 will give you the best results. png, jpg, gif,bmp files will work.  The logo will appear in B/W and the quality will depend on the quality of the logo file and the printer
  • Logo Position - You can configure the logo to appear at the top of the receipt or the bottom of the receipt
  • Show Store Name - Whether store name line is printed at top of address section. You may wish to omit this if the store name appears as part of your logo image
  • Show Store Address - Whether the store address appears.  You may want to exclude if there are to space constraints.
  • Address - Use this field to enter the store address to be printed on the receipt.  This allows you to enter a shorter address than you would use on other printed documents.

Section Two: Line Items and Totals

  • Item Line Format - Determines if the item/price is shown on one line or two

  • Show Line Discounts - Determines whether discount is shown in line detail

  • Show Line Notes - Whether line notes print on receipt beneath item

  • Show Total Discount - Whether to show the sum of all line discounts, transaction discounts and promotions on the receipt

  • Total Amount Position - Determines where the Total is displayed.  Options are at the top or bottom of the receipt.  Totals include all General Discounts and Promotional Discounts.
  • Big Total - The total amount for the transaction can be printed as the same size as the receipt font or made bigger.

Section Three: Payment and Transaction Data

  • Show Signature Capture - Determines whether the signature captured by an integrated payment terminal is printed on the receipt.
  • Store Policy - Allows your to enter a standard short Store Policy that is printed on each receipt, such as 'All returns must be accompanied by Receipt'

  • Show Payments - Determines whether the payments tendered are printed on the receipt

  • Print Receipt Barcode - Determines whether a barcode with the transaction/receipt number is printed on the receipt. This barcode will enable a clerk to quickly recall the transaction in the future by scanning the barcode from the register. Helpful for returns and exchanges.

Section Four: Customer Data

  • Show Customer Info - Prints customer name and selected ID on receipt
  • Customer ID to Show - Allows you to select which type of customer IDs will display on the receipt
  • Show Customer Contact Info - Prints customer phone and email address in customer section of receipt

  • Show Customer Address - Prints customer address in customer section of receipt

  • Footer Text - Allows you to show a short free form message on the printed receipt, such as 'Thanks for your Business'

Next Step: Sales Tax Set-up >>