Store Settings

To set up your store information proceed to Settings >> Company/Stores >> Stores.

This will take you to a table showing all your store locations.  

  • Add a Store - Click on the 'Add New' button at the top right.  There are additional charges for each store added to your subscription.
  • Archive a Store - Use the drop down in the Action column to archive an existing store.  Note that stores cannot be deleted once created.
  • Edit Store Information and Settings - Double click on the row to open the store record.

Double clicking on a row will open an existing Store record.  Clicking on the 'Add New' button will open a blank Store record.

From here you can now fill in new Store information. The fields marked with a red asterisk are required and the others are optional.  These settings are used for different purposes:

  • Store Name - This is used in certain reports and printed documents, including the printed receipt and invoices. 
  • Store Short Name - The store short name in used in reports and fields in MicroBiz where there is not enough room to display the full store name.
  • Store Type - You can define whether this will be a standard store that rings sales or a virtual 'web store' that can be used to operate an eCommerce site or other types of virtual operations. 
  • Time Zone - This is used for store level reporting purposes.
  • Receipt Template - In Settings >> Receipt Templates, you can set up multiple receipt formats.  This drop down can be used to select the receipt template used across all registers assigned to the store.
  • Show Cash Drawer Opening Balance - Determines if user is prompted to enter a cash drawer opening amount in the Register Opening screens.
  • Transaction Rounding Rule - Rounds transaction totals a defined amount.  For example, Canada requires a rounded transaction total amount. 
  • Enable Store Credits? - Setting to enable the issuance or redemption of store credits.  If enabled, Store Credits will appear as a tender option on the Tender screen.
  • Do Store Credits Expire? - Allows you to set an expiration date for your store credits.  See Settings>Sales>Register Payment Methods to set whether Store Credits will appear as a tender option on the Tender screen. 
  • Do Gift Cards Expire? - Allows you to set an expiration date for your gift cards.  Be sure to check the escheatment laws for your state.

Multi-Store Set-up

If you are a multi-store user you will have to complete the same steps above as many times as needed for each store.  In the “Settings>Stores” you can create a new store by clicking on “New Store”. Fill in the Store Number, Name and Short Name.  

You have the ability to copy the scope of another store. This means that this new store will have the same products, clients, etc. as the other store you pick to mirror.

If you do create multiple stores, you will also need to create registers for those stores.  In order to do so navigate to “Settings>Company/Store>Registers”.


Next Step: Front Register Set Up >>