Managing Employees:

Your can manage an employees' access to certain functions and features through Employee Roles.  To assign an Employee Role to an employees, navigate to Screen>>Settings Tab>> Employee Section and click on "Employees" option.   You should see the screenshot below.

Here you can manage/edit the existing employees and also create new employees if necessary by clicking on "+Add New".

To create new Employee, you are required to fill in all the fields that have the "*" symbol.

  • Employee Name (required): fill in the Employee name and Surname(optional).
  • Title:  Employee's position and role in your company. For example Manager, Cashier, etc.
  • Email (optional):
  • Home phone (optional):
  • Office Phone (optional):
  • Mobile (optional):
  • Enable (Active): This option is use to enable or disable an employee from using or accessing their account.
  • Access Role: there is several options for access role from Junior Cashier, Senior Cashier, Back Office and Manager to Admin.  A summary of the limitations and restrictions on which functions and features each Employee Role has use and access to is show on the Employee Role screen.  To view this information on the each role access that is available, go to Settings Tab>> Employee Section>>Click on "Employees Roles".  (See the screenshot below).

  • Display Name (required): A shorter name or ID for the employee that is uses in several places in the application, including reports, register transactions, orders, etc.
  • Default Store (required):  Used to assign an employee to a default store, for example: during login-in to their account and opening Register station, it will be  displayed on their screen to choose a register from the default store that they are assigned.
  • Register Login Pin (optional): You can set-up an alternative 6 digit pin number used for a quicker method to log into MicroBiz.  A user must first log in using a username and password, but after than can use the Pin Number to log back into the system. 
  • Login Username (required): User credentials used by an employee to log-in to the system.  This is used to identify the user.
  • Password and Confirm password (required): Used to log into the system.  Note that it is not allowed to input an old password that you have used before.

After you have edited or created a new employee please do not forget to click on the orange "Save' button.